Cancellation Policy

I understand that unforeseen circumstances can arise, leading to the need for appointment cancellations. However, to provide quality care and accommodate all the families I work with, I have established a cancellation policy. Effective communication and timely notice are vital for optimising therapy sessions and managing everyone’s schedule efficiently.

Cancellation Policy

I kindly request that if you need to cancel or reschedule an appointment, you provide me with at least 24 hours' notice. This advance notice allows me to offer the appointment to another client in need of support.

Contact Method

To ensure effective communication, I require clients to contact me directly by phone or text message as soon as you become aware that you will not be able to attend your scheduled session. Promptly notifying me via these channels helps me manage my schedule effectively and make necessary adjustments.

Late Cancellations

In the event of a cancellation made with less than 24 hours' notice, I regretfully inform you that full payment for the missed session will be required. This policy is in place to ensure fairness and to honour the commitment of my clients who could have utilised that appointment time.

Respecting My Time and Practice

By adhering to my cancellation policy, you not only show respect for our time together, but also allow me to provide care to others in need. Your commitment to the agreed-upon appointment time helps me maintain the high standard of service I strive to deliver.

I value your understanding and cooperation regarding my cancellation policy. It enables me to provide consistent, uninterrupted therapy sessions and ensures that all my clients receive the attention they deserve. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, please do not hesitate to reach out to me.