December family fun calendar

Week 1: Festive crafts

Dec 1: Make DIY Christmas ornaments

Dec 3: Craft a holiday wreath

Dec 5: Create handmade holiday cards

Week 2: Outdoor adventures

Dec 8: Take a winter nature walk

Dec 10: Have a snowball fight (if there's snow!)

Dec 12: Build a snowman together

Week 3: Movie nights

Dec 15: Watch a classic holiday movie

Dec 17: Have a movie marathon with festive films

Dec 19: Create a cozy blanket fort for movie night

Week 4: Random acts of kindness

Dec 22: Bake cookies and share them with neighbours

Dec 24: Write letters to Santa and leave snacks for him

Dec 26: Donate gently used items to a local charity

Week 5: Reflect and plan

Dec 29: Reflect on favourite moments of the year

Dec 31: Plan family goals for the upcoming year

Theodora Constantinou