Anxiety & Time Travel

A way to understand anxiety, is to think of it as our mind’s most powerful time-travelling trait!

We are either becoming stuck in our shame-inducing past, or floating towards a scary and unknown future. Travelling anywhere except the present moment.

A difficult task is to actually catch ourselves time-travelling. When we learn how to, and we manage to catch ourselves travelling to an imaginary future or unforgiving past, it is important to gently bring ourselves back to the present moment.

You are here.

You are right now.

You can get through this moment.

This moment is momentary and will pass.

Breathe, anchor to the present moment, and let it pass.

You can read more about some exercises that can help you in my previous blog posts here (grounding exercise), here (zooming out), here (Jedi mind tricks), here (parenting tips), and here (thought train).

If you resonate with what you’ve read, or if you have any questions on whether a collaboration with a psychologist is needed for you or your family, please call me for a free 20-minute consultation.