If feelings could talk

Too often I hear people saying “I shouldn’t feel …” or “I should feel …” [enter emotion]. These phrases are always dealt with first, rather than the feeling itself. Such phrases imply that some feelings are wrong and that we should always feel a certain [positive] way.

Why is this way of thinking wrong? Because it can cause problems to your mental health! All our feelings are important and valid. They give us messages and information about ourselves or our surroundings.

Each of our feelings comes to give us a special message. Our body or mind are not at ease - which means a need is not being met.

It’s important to pay attention to what your feelings are trying to tell you. Feeling doesn't mean failure. Difficult feelings specifically tell you what is wrong.

Here are a few needs that your feelings might be alerting you to!

Sadness might be telling you that you need to cry it out.

Loneliness might be telling you that you need connection.

Shame might be telling you that you need to show yourself compassion.

Resentment might be telling you that you need to forgive.

Emptiness might be telling you that you need to do something creative to inspire yourself.

Anger might be telling you that you need to check in with your boundaries.

Anxiety might be telling you that you need to take a breath.

Stress might be telling you that you need to take one step at a time.

All feelings are important. They are helpful in guiding us and giving us information about things that we may not be consciously aware of, and if we listen closely, our feelings may be guiding us on what to do next.